The ANC Youth League is the political youth organisation of the ANC. It is established from the constitution of the ANC as the youth organ of the ANC, whose main objective is the mobilisation of youth behind the banner and vision (creation of a non racial, non sexist, Democratic and prosperous society) of the African national congress.

Since its inception in 1944 the YL has positioned itself as a political home of the South Africa’s youth. It exists as an autonomous structure within the ANC. This means it is able to develop and implement own programmes, convene congresses and run its administration. This is done within the broad policy direct ion and political leadership of the ANC. Throughout its history the ANC Youth League has always mobilised South Africa’s youth behind the African national congress and its programmes.

Autonomy of the ANC Youth League

The Constitution of the ANC Youth League says “The ANCYL shall function as an autonomous body within the overall structure of the ANC of which it shall be an integral part. It shall be based on the political and ideological objectives of the ANC”. The ANC Constitution says, “The Youth League will function as an autonomous body within the overall structure of the ANC, of which it will be an integral part, with its own Constitution, rules and regulations, provided that these shall not be in conflict with the Constitution and policies of the ANC”.